For 42 Years I pushed away the Call of Our Lord. I ignored it, disbelieved it and even tried to sin it away yet He never stopped trying to get my attention. Life was so busy, I was consumed by the world we live in. I had a family, children, work and sports and never thought I could make time for even trying to Listen for the Voice of God. If I could have I also thought he doesn’t really want me, I am too bad and have sinned too much, yet I could feel him tugging at me. As I look back now I wish I had had an opportunity to just listen to that small still voice. I thought maybe if I had had a retreat or been able to discern that voice I may not have strayed as far as I did. As I was praying about this at Adoration, long after my fiat in September 2017, the Lord put it on my heart that there needed to be a Vocational Discernment Scholarship to help those who believe they are being called to serve.
With the business and expenses in today’s world it is challenging to take a weekend, a week, two weeks or a month leave of absence from your job and/or family to have that time in a structured way to really devote yourself to seeing what the Lord may be calling you to. It could be anything from the priesthood or religious life or youth ministry or the Diaconate or a Secular role within a religious order. There are so many rich and rewarding ways to serve Our Lord!!! Regardless, this scholarship will enable the applicant, once approved, that time to DISCERN THE WILL OF GOD for their Life or at least begin the journey for that realization! After ALL we are DESTINED4THIS! As Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “For this I was Born, for this I came into the world, to testify to the Truth!” We are all called to SERVE. Let this Scholarship help you determine HOW!!!