Ramona Cammarata
Board member
Brief info
Ramona Cammarata grew up in a Catholic home in upstate New York. Even though she attended parochial school and grew up in a Catholic environment, she did not embrace her faith until she had a personal encounter with the Lord as an adult. After staying home for over 14 years to raise her children, she returned to work, holding positions in marketing and social media, customer service and client relations for a manufacturer, large university, and the corporate office of a large restaurant chain. When she received an offer to work for a large parish in her diocese, she embraced the opportunity to leave the secular world and work for the Church. Since then, she has held positions with EWTN and Select International Tours, a pilgrimage company.
In her position at Select, she has had the honor of traveling with many pilgrims and understands the importance of experiencing God through pilgrimage. Encountering Jesus while walking in His footsteps in the Holy Land, visiting sites where the saints lived and died, becoming immersed in local customs and foods are just some of the ways that Catholics can draw closer to the Lord and experience a piece of heaven on earth.
On a personal level, she understands a bit of the vocational journey of priesthood as she witnessed one of her children discern the call to priesthood for five years. She understands the importance of taking time away to discern a vocation, whether to priesthood, religious life, marriage or the single life.
Ramona currently resides in Orlando, Florida with her husband of 30 years, Edward, and their four grown children.