Pilgrimage Scholarship

While on MY VERY FIRST Pilgrimage in 2018 I thought to myself, “EVERYONE“ should have the Opportunity to go on a pilgrimage and yet so few can ever afford to. Pilgrimages are expensive and many people save their entire lives to just GO ON one.  I then learned upon my return that many Priests, Deacons, Nuns & Religious have also never been to the Holy Land or on pilgrimage. It was at that moment the idea of a Scholarship was born!!! I was driven to try and help those who otherwise would never be able to see the Holy Sites of the world see them! After much prayer and meetings with pilgrimage companies the Pilgrimage Scholarship was born with the intention of having every plane that departs to go on pilgrimage to have 2 pilgrims on it who would otherwise never have the opportunity to do so! By donating to The Pilgrimage Scholarship your generosity is  helping Christians see, touch and experience a pilgrimage. As Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “For this I was Born, for this I came into the world, to testify to the Truth!“ – John 18:37. We are all called to this and we are all on pilgrimage in this gift of life. Let’s help our brothers and sisters pilgrimage together two by two!