Lynette Pisano-Keen

Board member

Brief info

Lynette M. Pisano – Keen, I am a Cradle Catholic. In that same breath, I also was “that ONE lamb”. Only for a short while, though. HE found me. My LIFE motto is, “I’d rather stand with GOD and be judged by the world, than stand with the world and be judged by GOD”! This suits me just fine. Since a young age, JESUS has come to me in my soul. He has given me gifts of love throughout my life. I can only feel unworthy to have received it. Yet HE gives, non the less. St. Michael has taught me not to fear and our LADY visits my soul with her ever giving grace and sweet, soft peace during times of ultimate chaos.

I grew up the 4th of 5 children in a Roman Catholic Italian home. I was Baptized, received first communion and confirmation all at St. Andrew Catholic Parish in San Andreas, CA. My father hoped I’d grow up to become a sister or Nun. My parents had a small “Grotto” statue of St. Francis of Assisi at our family home and that always made a HUGE impression on me. I found that St. Francis had a close follower and dear friend named St. Jacqueline Marie de Settesoli or Jacoba of Settesoli. She became my Patron Saint, upon Confirmation. Lynette Michelle Jacqueline Pisano. Ironically, our lives have many similarities, right down to becoming a Widow. However, my religious resume is quite short, in comparison. However, regarding becoming a member of the Third Order of St. Francis, well, there is still time for that!

I am a mother to a wonderfully loving, 28 yr old son who has bounced around from State to State with me, until finally landing in Indiana. He has fallen away from the church but still believes. He is my biggest work in progress. I have traveled all around this great country, driving from Coast to Coast. I’ve lived in a few states, as well. Starting in California, then Nevada, Indiana, and almost Wisconsin but, I chose my final stop to be in Michigan. I am so grateful to GOD for HIS Divine Providence with bringing my husband into my life. Also widowed, my retired Husband Pete and I are consumed with prayer and church life, together. Pete is an active member of the Knights of Columbus and I have been asked to consider becoming a member of our Church Council and a Catechism teacher at our small parish. We attend St. Stephen Catholic Church in New Boston, MI.
My life currently is filled, daily, with seeking GOD. I unceasingly seek to know HIM. A fire rages inside me to learn everything about HIM and grow in HIS immeasurable love. I pray to teach about HIS abundant, healing love, as HE has given me, during my 54 years of a “Roller Coaster” life. HE has granted me so many undeserved gifts, throughout my life. I hope, one day, the words to describe these gifts will be written. As of today, I have not yet formed the proper pronouncement or the righteous description to illuminate how Great Thou Art with the many gifts HE has bestowed upon me.

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